Study # | Category | Citation | Publication Type | Year |
REG001 | Chordoma | Chhabra A, Rice S, Holtzman A, Choi I, Hasan S, Press R, Chang J, Halasz L, Tsai H, Wang C, Kabolizadeh P, Gondi V, Hartsell W, Vora S, Vargas C, Simone C Clinical outcomes and toxicities of 100 patients treated with proton therapy for chordoma on the proton collaborative group prospective registry Radiotherapy & Oncology 2023 | Journal Article | 2023 |
REG001 | Sarcoma | Von Werne K, Mair K, Chang J, Wolden S, Vern-Gross T, Mihalcik S, Kwok Y, Tsai H, Zeng J, Hall M Multi-Institutional Experience of Proton Therapy for Rhabdomyosarcoma and Ewing Sarcoma in the Proton Collaborative Group (PCG) Prospective Registry PTCOG 2023 | Conference Presentation | 2023 |
REG001 | Hepatobiliary | Chuong M, Zakka A, Rubens M, Chhabra A, Molitoris J, Ashman J, Mohammed N, Chang J, Urbanic J, Tsai H, Eblan M, Apisarnthanarax S Multi-institutional outcomes of proton beam therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma from the Proton Collaborative Group REG001-09 study PTCOG 2023 | Conference Presentation | 2023 |
REG001 | Lung | Hoppe B, Nichols R, Flampouri S, Pankuch M, Morris C, Pham D, Mohindra P, Hartsell W, Mohammed N, Chon B, Kestin L, Simone C Chemoradiation with Hypofractionated Proton Therapy in Stage II-III Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: A YYY Phase 1/2 Trial Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2022 | Journal Article | 2022 |
REG001 | General | Chuong M, Zeng J, Molitoris J, Tsai H, Chang J, Rosen L, Stevens C, Vargas C, Urbanic J, Hartsell W Proton beam therapy reirradiation for abdominal and pelvic cancers: Outcomes from the Proton Collaborative Group REG001-09 Trial PTCOG 60 & PTCOG-NA 8 Conference 2022 | Conference Presentation | 2022 |
REG001 | Head & Neck | Han j, Lozano A, Hasan S, Choi I, Chhabra A, Tsai H, Mohammed N, Patel S, Katz S, Chang J, Simone C, Press R Proton Therapy Outcomes for Head and Neck Cutaneous Melanoma: Proton Collaborative Group Analysis IJPT 2022 | Journal Article | 2022 |
BRE007 | Breast | Choi I, Prabhu K, Hartsell W, DeWees T, Sinesi C, Vargas C, Benda R, Cahlon O, Chang A Outcomes and toxicities after proton partial breast radiotherapy for early stage, hormone receptor positive breast cancer: 3-Year results of a phase II multi-center trial Clinical and Translational Radiation Oncology 2022 | Journal Article | 2022 |
REG001 | Lymphoma | Tseng Y, Hoppe B, Dedeckova K, Patel C, Hill-Kayser C, Miller D, Maity A, Mendenhall N, Mailhot Vega R, Yock T, Baliga S, Hess C, Winkfield K, Mohindra P, Rosen L, Tsai H, Chang J, Hartsell W, Plastaras J Risk of Pneumonitis and Outcomes After Mediastinal Proton Therapy for Relapsed/Refractory Lymphoma: A PTCOG and PCG Collaboration Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. (IJROB-Red Journal) 2021 | Journal Article | 2021 |
REG001 | Lymphoma | Tseng Y, Pankuch M, Mohindra P, McGee L, Rossi C, Flampouri S, Hajj C, Molitoris J, Chang JH, Tsai H, Stevens C, Rosen L, Vargas C, Hartsell W Selection of Mediastinal Lymphoma Patients for Proton Therapy Within the Proton Collaborative Group Registry: Concordance With the ILROG Guidelines Am J Clin Oncol 2021 | Journal Article | 2021 |
REG001 | Lung | Jongen A, Charlier F, Baker K, Chang J, Hartsell W, Laramore G, Mohindra P, Moretti L, Redman M, Rosen L, Tsai H, Van Gestel D, Vargas C, Rengan R Clinical Outcomes After Proton Beam Therapy for Locally Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Analysis of a Multi-institutional Prospective Registry Advances in Radiation Oncology 2021 | Conference Presentation | 2021 |
REG001 | Pancreas | Chhabra A, Chang J, Durci M, Mohammed N, Tsai H, Apisarnthanarax S, Regine W, Vargas C, Nichols R, Simone C Proton therapy for unresectable and medically inoperable pancreatic cancer: multi-institutional prospective results from the proton collaborative group PTCOG-NA 2021 | Poster | 2021 |
REG001 | CNS | Saeed A, Khairnar R, Sharma A, Larson G, Tsai H, Wang C, Halasz L, Chinnaiyan P, Vargas C, Mishra M Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Recurrent Glioblastoma Treated with Proton Beam Therapy Reirradiation: Analysis of the Multi-Institutional Proton Collaborative Group Registry Adv Radiat Oncol 2020 | Journal Article | 2020 |
REG001 | Liver | Parzen J, Hartsell W, Chang J, Apisarnthanarax S, Molitoris J, Durci M, Tsai H, Urbanic J, Ashman J, Vargas C, Stevens C, Kabolizadeh P Hypofractionated proton beam radiotherapy in patients with unresectable liver tumors: multi-institutional prospective results from the Proton Collaborative Group Radiation Oncology 2020 | Journal Article | 2020 |
REG001 | Lung | Hoppe B, Nichols R, Flampouri S, Li Z, Morris C, Pham D, Mohindra P, Hartsell W, Mohammed N, Chon B, Simone C Hypofractionated Proton Therapy with Concurrent Chemotherapy for Locally Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: A Phase 1 Trial from the University of Florida Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2020 | Journal Article | 2020 |
REG001 | Prostate | Han J, Chang J, Rosen L, Hartsell W, Tsai H, Chen J, Mishra M, Krauss D, Isabelle Choi J, Simone C, Hasan S Treatment interruptions affect biochemical failure rates in prostate cancer patients treated with proton beam therapy: Report from the multi-institutional proton collaborative group registry Clin Transl Radiat Oncol 2020 | Journal Article | 2020 |
REG001 | Breast | Choi JI, Prabhu K, Hartsell W, Sinesi C, Vargas C, Benda R, Cahlon O, Chang A Clinical Outcomes after Proton Partial Breast Radiotherapy for Early Stage- Hormone Receptor Positive Breast Cancer: 3-Year Outcomes of a Phase II Trial ASTRO 2019 | Poster | 2019 |
REG001 | Breast | Authors: Anderson J, Niska J, Thorpe C, Girardo M, McGee L, Hartsell W, Larson G, Rossi C, Rosen L, Chang A, Vargas E Proton Beam Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation: Prospective Multi-Institutional PCG Registry Analysis ASTRO | Conference Presentation | 2019 |
REG001 | Head & Neck | Chuong M, Bryant J, Hartsell W, Larson G, Badiyan S, Laramore G, Katz S, Tsai H, Vargas C Minimal acute toxicity from proton beam therapy for major salivary gland cancer Acta Oncologica | Journal Article | 2019 |
REG001 | Prostate | Mishra M, Khairnar R, Bentzen S, Larson G, Tsai H, Sinesi C, Vargas C, Laramore G, Rossi C, Rosen L, Zhu M, Hartsell W Proton beam therapy delivered using pencil beam scanning vs. passive scattering/uniform scanning for localized prostate cancer: Comparative toxicity analysis of PCG 001-09 Clin Transl Radiat Oncol 2019 | Journal Article | 2019 |
REG001 | Breast | Thorpe C, Niska J, Brunnhoelzl D, McGee L, Kesslering C, Hartsell W, Vargas C. First Report of Proton Beam Therapy for Breast Angiosarcoma from the Perspective PCG Registry. Acta Oncologica; published online 05 Jan 2018. | Journal Article | 2018 |
REG001 | CNS | Tseng Y, Hartsell W, Tsai H, Badiyan S, Rosen L, Rossi C, Vora S, Vargas C, Larson G, Halasz L. Proton Therapy Patterns of Care Among Pediatric and Adult Patients with CNS Tumors. SNO 2017. | Conference Poster | 2017 |
REG001 | CNS | Shin J, Mayekar S, Hartsell W, Vargas C, Larson G, Tsai H, Laramore G, Chang J. Outcomes of Atypical Teratoid Rhabdoid Tumors (ATRT) Treated with Proton Therapy. PTCOG-NA 2017 | Conference Poster | 2017 |
REG001 | Prostate | Chang J, Lee P, Yates T, Parks H, Gans S, Niles S, Mai T, Duggal A, Kaplan D, Campbell L, Hartsell W, Pankuch M, Schmidt S. Dosimetric Comparison of IMPT versus IMRT using VMAT and HRT for Salvage Radiation Post Prostatectomy. PTCOG-NA 2017 | Conference Poster | 2017 |
REG001 | Lung | Kunaprayoon D, Zhang H, Larson G, Tsai H, Laramore G, Rossi C, Mohindra P, Badiyan S, Hartsell W, Simone C. Machine Learning Analysis for Predicting Survival in Stage III Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients Receiving Definitive Chemotherapy and Proton Radiation Therapy. PTCOG-NA 2017 | Conference Presentation | 2017 |
BRE007 | Breast | Choi J, Chang A, Vargas C, Benda R, Hsi W. Excellent Acute Toxicity Outcomes with Proton Therapy for Partial Breast Irradiation in Early Stage Breast Cancer: Initial Results of a Multi-institutional Phase II Trial. PTCOG-NA 2017 | Conference Presentation | 2017 |
REG001 | Head & Neck | Petras K, Gentile M, Chang, J, Vargas C. Multi-Center Experience of Proton Beam Therapy in the Treatment of H&N Cancer. PTCOG-NA 2017 | Conference Presentation | 2017 |
REG001 | Breast | Brunnhoelzl D, Larson G, Tsai H, Rossi C, Rosen L, Hartsell W, Fang C, Nichols E, Vargas C. Multi-institutional Results of Breast Proton Radiation Therapy: An Analysis of the PCG Registry. PTCOG-NA 2017 | Conference Poster | 2017 |
REG001 | Prostate | Casablanca V, Hartsell W. Rectal Toxicity for Patients Treated with Proton Beam Radiation Diagnosed with Prostate Cancer Using Free Rectal Water, Water Filled Rectal Balloon or Interstitial Hydrogel for Rectal Immobilization. PTCOG-NA 2017 | Conference Presentation | 2017 |
REG001 | Prostate | Krcik L, Lee P, Gao M, Pankuch M, Boroczk M, Hartsell W. An Evaluation of Prostate Volume and Proton Therapy-Related Toxicities. PTCOG-NA 2017 | Conference Presentation | 2017 |
REG001 | Thymus | Mercado C, Hoppe B, Henderson R, Price A, Tsai H, Vargas C, Laramore G, Badiyan S, Hartsell W, Larson G. Proton Therapy for Thymic Malignancies: Multi-institutional Patterns-of-Care and Early Clinical Outcomes from the Proton Collaborative Group Registry & UF. PTCOG-NA 2017 | Conference Presentation | 2017 |
REG001 | Prostate | Ricks-Santi L, Sambyal A, McDonald J, Nazaryan V, Larson G, Hartsell W, Tsai H, Laramore G, Rossi C, Rosen L, Badiyan S, Vargas C. Utilization of Machine Learning and Proton Collaborative Group Data to Develop a Model for Predictive Prostate Cancer Proton Radiotherapy Response. ASTRO 2017 | Conference Poster | 2017 |
REG001 | Lung | Badiyan S, Mohindra P, Larson G, Hartsell W, Tsai H, Rengan R, Wilkinson B, Vargas C, Feigenberg S, Simone C. Clinical Outcomes of Patients with Recurrent Lung Cancer Re-irradiated with Proton Therapy on the Proton Collaborative Group Prospective Registry Trial. ASTRO 2017 | Conference Poster | 2017 |
REG001 | Prostate | Chuong M, Hartsell W, Larson G, Tsai H, Laramore G, Rossi C, Wilkinson B, Kaiser A, Vargas C. Minimal Toxicity After Proton Beam Therapy for Prostate and Pelvic Nodal Irradiation: Results from the Proton Collaborative Group REG001-09 Trial. ASTRO 2017 | Conference Poster | 2017 |
REG001 | Breast | Zheng Y, Prahbu K, Chang A, Larson G, Vargas C. Acute and Late Toxicity of Uniform Scanning Proton Therapy for Breast Cancer Patients. ASTRO 2017 | Conference Poster | 2017 |
REG001 | Prostate | Chuong M, Hartsell W, Larson G, Tsai H, Laramore, G, Rossi C, Wilkinson J, Kaiser A, Vargas C. Minimal Toxicity after Proton Beam Therapy for Prostate and Pelvic Nodal Irradiation: Results from the Proton Collaborative Group REG001-09 Trial. Acta Oncologica; 14 Oct 2017 | Journal Article | 2017 |
REG001 | Pancreas | Nichols R, Morris C, Dunn M, Prabhu K, Hartsell W, Cahlon O, Apisarnthanarax S, McGee L, Vargas C. Postoperative Proton Therapy for Pancreatic Cancer Patients Enrolled on the Proton Collaborative Group (PCG) Registry. PTCOG 2017. | Conference Poster | 2017 |
REG001 | Breast | Zheng Y, Prabhu K, Chang A, Larson G, Vargas C, Wong J. Toxicity of Uniform Scanning Proton Therapy for Breast Cancer. PTCOG 2017. | Conference Poster | 2017 |
REG001 | Breast | Vargas C, Fega R, Hartsell W, Larson G, Fang C, Nichols E, Rossi C, Rosen L, Tsai H. Multi-institutional Results of Breast Proton Radiation Therapy: An Analysis of the PCG Registry. PTCOG 2017. | Conference Presentation | 2017 |
REG001 | Lung | Badiyan S, Hartsell W, Larson G, Tsai H, Feigenberg S, Simone C, Mohindra P, Vargas C, Rengan R, Zeng J, Wilkinson B. Clinical Outcomes of Patients with Recurrent Lung Cancer Re-irradiated with Proton Therapy on the Proton Collaborative Group Prospective Registry Trial. PTCOG 2017. | Conference Presentation | 2017 |
REG001 | Head & Neck | Gamez M, Hartsell W, Tsai H, Laramore G, Larson G, Badiyan S, Rossi C, Wilkinson B, Buras M, Patel S. Sinonasal Cancer Patients Treated with Proton Therapy: The Proton Collaborative Group (PCG) Experience. PTCOG 2017 | Conference Presentation | 2017 |
REG001 | Prostate | Chuong M, Vargas C, Hartsell W, Kaiser A, Rossi C, Laramore G, Wilkinson B, Larson G, Tsai H. Minimal Toxicity After Proton Beam Therapy for Prostate and Pelvic Nodal Irradiation: Results from the Proton Collaborative Group REG001-09 Trial. PTCOG 2017 | Conference Presentation | 2017 |
REG001 | Liver | Chuong M, Smith A, Hartsell W, Larson G, Tsai H, Rossi C, Vargas C. Proton Beam Therapy for Liver Cancer is Well Tolerated: Outcomes from the Proton Collaborative Group REG001-09 Trial. Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium 2017 | Conference Poster | 2017 |
REG001 | Lymphoma | Hoppe S, Hill-Kayser E, Tseng D, Flampouri S, Elmongy M, Cahlon O, Mendenhall P, Maity A, McGee A, Plastaras J Consolidative proton therapy after chemotherapy for patients with Hodgkin lymphoma Ann Oncol 2017 | Journal Article | 2017 |
REG001 | Prostate | Conterato J. Assessment of Acute Toxicity in Prostate Cancer Patients using Hydrogel Spacer During Proton Therapy. RSNA 2016 | Conference Presentation | 2016 |
REG001 | General | Schmidt S. Proton Therapy Maintains or Improves the Performance Status in Reirradiation Patients. PTCOG NA 2016. | Conference Presentation | 2016 |
REG001 | Prostate | Conterato J. Reduction in Rectal Dose in Prostate Cancer Patients Using Hydrogel Spacer During Proton Therapy. PTCOG NA 2016. | Conference Presentation | 2016 |
REG001 | CNS | Wilkinson J, Morgan H, Gondi V, Larson G, Hartsell W, Laramore G, Halasz L, Vargas C, Keole S, Grosshans D, Shih H, Mehta M. Low Levels of Acute Toxicity Associated with Proton Therapy for Low Grade Gliomas: A Proton Collaborative Group Study. ASTRO 2016 | Conference Poster | 2016 |
GU002 | Prostate | Vargas C, Hartsell W, Dunn M, Keole S, Doh L, Chang C, Larson G. Image-guided Hypofractionated Proton Beam Therapy for Low-Risk Prostate Cancer: Analysis of Quality of Life and Toxicity, PCG GU 002. Reports of Practical Oncology and Radiotherapy; posted online 4Mar16. | Journal Article | 2016 |
REG001 | Lung | Badiyan S. Clinical Outcomes of Patients with Stage II-III Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Treated with Proton Beam Therapy on the Proton Collaborative Group Prospective Registry Trial. PTCOG 2016 | Conference Presentation | 2016 |
REG001 | Esophagus | Zeng J. Proton Therapy Posterior Beam Approach with PBS for Esophageal Cancer: Clinical Outcome, Dosimetry, & Feasibility. PTCOG 2016 | Conference Presentation | 2016 |
REG001 | Lymphoma | Hoppe B, Hartsell W. Proton Therapy Patterns-of-Care and Early Outcomes for Hodgkin Lymphoma: Results from the Proton Collaborative Group Registry PTCOG 2016 | Conference Presentation | 2016 |
REG001 | GI | Nichols R, Morris C, Dunn M, Prabhu K, McGee L, Hartsell W, Cahlon O, Apisarnthanarax S, Vargas C. Postoperative proton therapy for pancreatic cancer patients enrolled on the Proton Collaborative Group (PCG) registry. PTCOG 2016 | Conference Poster | 2016 |
REG001 | Esophagus | Chuong M, Larson G, Hartsell W, Tsai H, Zeng J, Rossi C, Wilkinson J, Badiyan S, Vargas C. Limited Toxicity After Proton Beam Therapy for Esophageal Cancer: Outcomes from the Proton Collaborative Group. PTCOG 2016 | Conference Poster | 2016 |
REG001 | General | Mehta M, Dunn M, Hoppe B, Laramore G, Chang A, Vargas C, Hartsell W. The Proton Collaborative Group’s Research Portfolio: An Update from the PTCOG 2015 Presentation. PTCOG 2016 | Conference Poster | 2016 |
REG001 | Physics | Rana S, Cheng C, Zhao L, Park S, Larson G, Vargas C, Dunn M, Zheng Y. Dosimetric and radiobiological impact of intensity modulated proton therapy and RapidArc planning for high-risk prostate cancer with seminal vesicles. Journal of Medical Radiation Sciences; 11 May 2016. | Journal Article | 2016 |
REG001 | GI | Nichols RC. Proton Collaborative Group registry of patients treated for pancreatic cancer- enrollment and preliminary outcomes. PTCOG 2015 | Conference Presentation | 2015 |
GU002 | Genitourinary | Vargas C, Hartsell W, Dunn M, Keole S, Doh L, Eisenbeisz E, Larson G. Hypofractionated Versus Standard Fractionated Proton-beam Therapy for Low-risk Prostate Cancer Interim Results of a Randomized Trial PCG GU 002. American Journal of Clinical Oncology 2015. | Journal Article | 2015 |
BRE007 | Breast | Chang A, Qu L, Dunn M, Sindwani R, Benda R, Adams T, Prabhu K. Initial results of a multi-institutional proton accelerated partial breast irradiation trial. PTCOG 2015 | Conference Presentation | 2015 |
REG001 | General | Bevolo T, Dunn M, Laub S. Patient weight fluctuations during proton therapy treatment: Safety and financial implications. PTCOG 2015 | Conference Poster | 2015 |
REG001 | General | Dunn M, Brown C, Hagarty E, Hartsell W, Tsai H, Laramore G, Vargas C. Enrollment trends of a large volume prospective registry hosted by the Proton Collaborative Group. PTCOG 2015 | Conference Poster | 2015 |
NA | General | Dunn M, Eisenbeisz E. The myth of randomized experiments as the gold standard when research comparative effectiveness. PTCOG 2015 | Conference Poster | 2015 |
REG001 | Lung | Dunn M, Hoppe B, Simone C. Trial eligibility of locally advanced NSCLC patients receiving proton therapy using multi-institutional registry data: Are current cooperative group trials being designed for the right patients? World Conference on Lung Cancer 2015 | Conference Presentation | 2015 |
REG001 | Breast | Iftekaruddin Z, McGee L, Maliekel J, Dunn M, Hartsell W. Acute toxicity outcomes in breast cancer patients treated with adjuvant proton therapy. PTCOG 2015 | Conference Poster | 2015 |
REG001 | Genitourinary | Rana S, Larson G, Vargas C, Dunn M, Zheng Y. Pencil beam scanning versus uniform scanning: Treatment planning for unilateral hip prosthesis prostate cancer. PTCOG 2015 | Conference Poster | 2015 |
REG001 | Genitourinary | Rana S, Larson G, Vargas C, Dunn M, Zheng Y. Intensity modulated proton therapy versus uniform scanning proton therapy: Treatment planning study of the prostate cancer in patients with a unilateral metallic hip prosthesis. Journal of Proton Therapy. 2015; 1:113 | Journal Article | 2015 |
GU002 | Genitourinary | Vargas C, Hartsell W, Dunn M, Larson G. Hypofractionated vs. standard fractionated proton beam therapy for low risk prostate cancer: Interim results of a randomized trial- PCG GU002. PTCOG 2015 | Conference Presentation | 2015 |
REG001 | General | Mehta M, Dunn M, Hoppe B, Laramore G, Chang A, Vargas C, Hartsell W. Fact or Fiction: Proton beam therapy is primarily for patients with prostate cancer. ASTRO 2015. | Conference Poster | 2015 |
REG001 | General | Dunn M, Mehta M, Hoppe B, Laramore G, Chang A, Vargas C, Hartsell W. The Proton Collaborative Group's research portfolio. ASTRO- Big Data 2015 | Conference Poster | 2015 |
REG001 | General | Mehta M, Dunn M, Hoppe B, Laramore G, Chang A, Vargas C, Hartsell W. The Proton Collaborative Group's research portfolio. PTCOG 2015 | Conference Presentation | 2015 |
REG001 | Genitourinary | Rana S, Larson G, Vargas C, Dunn M, Zheng Y. Correlating tissue toxicities with EUD and NTCP for metallic prosthesis prostate cancer patients in proton therapy. PTCOG 2015 | Conference Poster | 2015 |
REG001 | Genitourinary | Cuaron J, Harris A, Chon B, Tsai H, Larson G, Hartsell W, Hug E, Cahlon O. Anterior-oriented proton beams for prostate cancer: A multi-institutional experience. Acta Oncologica; posted online 15Jan15. | Journal Article | 2015 |
REG001 | Genitourinary | Hartsell W, Dunn M, Larson G, Vargas C. Hypofractionated vs standard fractionation proton beam therapy for early stage prostate cancer: Interim results of a randomized prospective trial. ARS 2015. | Conference Presentation | 2015 |
REG001 | Breast | McGee L, McGue M, Dunn M, Schmidt S, Kaplan D, Pankuch M, Hartsell W. Proton therapy on an incline beam line: Acute toxicity outcomes in locally advanced breast cancer patients. ARS 2015. | Conference Poster | 2015 |
GU002 | Genitourinary | Vargas C, Dunn M, Hartsell W, Larson G. Interim analysis: Prospective trial of proton standard-fractionation vs. hypo-fractionation. PTCOG-NA 2014 | Conference Presentation | 2014 |
REG001 | Breast | Schmidt S, Dunn M, Pankuch M, Kaplan D, McGee L, Hartsell W. Treatment of locally advanced breast cancer: Case studies of proton and photon comparative plans. PTCOG-NA 2014. | Conference Presentation | 2014 |
REG001 | Breast | Schmidt S, Pankuch M, Kaplan D, McGee L, Dunn M, Hartsell W. Adjuvant treatment of locally advanced breast cancer using uniform scanning and pencil beam scanning proton therapy. PTCOG-NA 2014. | Conference Presentation | 2014 |
REG001 | General | Dunn M, Vargas C, Hartsell W. The Proton Collaborative Group's prospective chart review registry- Comments from the first five years. PTCOG-NA 2014. | Conference Presentation | 2014 |
REG001 | CNS | Gondi V. Outcomes following large-volume re-irradiation using proton therapy for recurrent malignant glioma. PTCOG-NA 2014. | Conference Oral Poster | 2014 |
REG001 | General | deLongpre R, Pruneau A. The future of proton therapy: Pencil beam scanning. ASRT 2014. | Conference Presentation | 2014 |
REG001 | Peds CNS | Lai J-S. Do children with brain tumors have worse quality of life than the general population? ISPNO 2014. | Conference Presentation | 2014 |
REG001 | Peds CNS | Chang JH-C, Confer M, Chang A, Goldman S, Dunn M, Hartsell W. Prospective study on pediatric patients with atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumors (ATRT) of the central nervous system (CNS). ISPNO 2014, SIOP 2014, PTCOG 2014, RSNA 2014, PTCOG-NA 2014 | Conference Poster | 2014 |
REG001 | Genitourinary | Dunn M, McClinitic C, Ramirez S. Depression scores pre and post treatment for 414 men with prostate cancer using Proton Collaborative Group data. PTCOG 2014, PTCOG-NA 2014. | Conference Poster | 2014 |
REG001 | Adult CNS | Jefferis J, Hartsell W, Chang J, Gondi V. Minimal acute toxicities following high-dose proton therapy for spinal tumors. ASTRO 2014, SNO 2014, PTCOG-NA 2014. | Conference Poster | 2014 |
REG001 | Lung | Rana S, Pokharel S, Zheng Y, Zhao L, Vargas C, Cersonsky N. Treatment planning case study comparing uniform scanning proton therapy, RapidArc and intensity modulated radiation therapy for a synchronous bilateral lung cancer. International Journal of Cancer Therapy and Oncology 2014; 2(2):020216 | Journal Article | 2014 |
REG001 | Genitourinary | Rana S, Cheng C, Zheng Y, Hsi W, Zeidan O, Schreuder N, Vargas C, Larson G. Dosimetric study of uniform scanning proton therapy planning for prostate cancer patients with a metal hip prosthesis, and comparison with volumetric-modulated arc therapy. Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics 2014; 15(3): 4611. | Journal Article | 2014 |
REG001 | Ocular | Hartsell S, Pankuch M, Lopes C, Chang J, Dunn M, Sweeney P, Kapur R, Hartsell W. 3-D treatment planning for proton therapy of ocular melanoma: Evaluations of organs at risk. PTCOG-NA 2014. | Conference Presentation | 2014 |
REG001 | Genitourinary | Rana S, Cheng C, Zheng Y, Risalvato D, Cersonsky N, Ramirez E, Zhao L, Larson G, Vargas C. Proton therapy vs. VMAT for prostate cancer: a treatment planning study. International Journal of Particle Therapy 2014; 1(1):22-33 Link: | Journal Article | 2014 |
REG001 | Breast | McGee L. Breast cancer treatment with uniform scanning proton therapy on an incline beam line. PTCOG-NA 2014. | Conference Presentation | 2014 |
REG001 | CNS | Gondi V, Jefferis J, Hartsell W, Chang J. Minimal acute toxicities following high-dose proton therapy for spinal tumors. PTCOG-NA 2014. | Conference Presentation | 2014 |
REG001 | Physics | Hsi W, Fagundes M, Zeidan O, Hug E, Schreuder N. Image-guided method for TLD-based in vivo rectal dose verification with endorectal balloon in proton therapy for prostate cancer. Med. Phys. 40 (5), May 2013. | Journal Article | 2013 |
REG001 | General | Hahn K, Piper A, Rodriquez R. Development of a Proton Therapy Multi-Site Registry.Society of Clinical Research Associates (SOCRA). February 2013; 75:77. | Journal Article & Conference Presentation | 2013 |
REG001 | Genitourinary | Hartsell W., Deeke H., Gans S., Yoo C., Hartsell S., Corbett A., Chang J., Vargas C. Prostate size Does Not Correlate with Acute Genitourinary Symptoms in Patients Treated with Proton Beam Therapy. Amer Soc Thera Rad Onc (ASTRO) Symposium-Annual Meeting; September 22-25, 2013; Atlanta, GA-USA. | Conference Presentation | 2013 |
REG001 | Physics | Schmidt S. Simulation, planning, and delivery of breast/chest wall treatment using uniform scanning proton beam therapy. American Association of Medical Dosimetrist; Aug 2013; Anchorage, A | Conference Presentation | 2013 |
REG001 | Physics | Chang J, Gans S, Pankuch M, Hahn K, Abruscato L, Hartsell W. Dosimetric comparisons of Uniform scanning proton Beam Therapy (US PBT) versus Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) for Mediastinal Malignancies. Amer Soc Thera Rad Onc (ASTRO) Symposium-Annual Meeting; Oct 28-31, 2012; Boston, MA-USA . | Conference Presentation | 2012 |
REG001 | Physics | Schmidt S, Gans S, Mingcheng G, Pankuch M, Chang J, Hahn K, Abruscato L, Hartsell W. An Evalustion of the Use of US PBT Helical XRT, and E. Compensator XRT for Left Chest Wall/Nodes.Particle Therapy Cooperative Group (PTCOG) Symposium-Annual Meeting; May 14-19, 2012; Seoul, Korea. | Conference Presentation | 2012 |
REG001 | Genitourinary | Keole S, Zeidan O, Rodriquez R, Smidbush D, Hahn K, Nordhues E, Larson G, Barringer B, Doh L, Zheng Y, Vargas C. Proton Therapy for Prosate Cancer: The Procure Oklahoma Experience.Amer Soc Thera Rad Onc (ASTRO); Symposium-Annual Meeting; Oct 28-31, 2012; Boston, MA-USA . | Conference Presentation | 2012 |
REG001 | Physics | Schmidt S, Hecksel D, Pankuch M, Hartsell W, Chang J, Hahn K, Abruscato L. Examining Uniform Scanning PBT Combined with 6 MeV EBT to Deliver 50 Gy(RBE) with a SIB. Particle Therapy Cooperative Group (PTCOG) Symposium-Annual Meeting; May 14-19, 2012; Seoul, Korea. | Conference Presentation | 2012 |
REG001 | Pediatrics/CNS | Confer M, McNall-Knapp R, Krishnan S, Gross N, Keole S. Proton Radiotherapy for Pediatric craniopharyngioma Initial Result. 2012 International Symposium on Pediatric Neuro-Oncology.-Annual Meeting; June 24-27, 2012; Toronto, Canada. | Conference Presentation | 2012 |
REG001 | Genitourinary | Vargas C, Hartsell W, Hahn K, Smidbush D, Chang J, Abruscato L, Piper A, Keole S. Hyopfractionated vs. Standard Fractionation Proton Therapy for Prostate Cancer: PCG GU002-10.Amer Soc Thera Rad Onc (ASTRO) Symposium-Annual Meeting; Oct 28-31, 2012; Boston, MA-USA . | Conference Presentation | 2012 |
REG001 | Physics | Rendall R, Curran L, Chang J, Gao M, Spring D, Yoo C, Pankuch M, Hartsell W. Contrast Filled Rectal Balloons in Post-Prostatectomy Proton Therapy Alignment Particle Therapy Cooperative Group (PTCOG) Symposium-Annual Meeting; May 14-19, 2012; Seoul, Korea. | Conference Presentation | 2012 |
REG001 | Physics | Schenkenfelder P, Schmidt S, Sweeney P. A Techniqu for the Isocentric Treatment of Pelvic Nodes for High Risk Prostate Cancer using Fixed Beam Line Proton Radiotherapy. American Association of Medical Dosismetrists Symposium-Annual Meeting; June 10-14, 2012; Atlanta, Georgia-USA. | Conference Presentation | 2012 |
REG001 | Physics | Hsi W, Vargas C, O'Ryan-Blair A, Schreuder A. Planning techniques of proton boost for treating oropharynx tumors of head and neck cancers. Particle Therapy Cooperative Group (PTCOG) Symposium-Annual Meeting; May 14-19, 2012; Seoul, Korea. | Conference Presentation | 2012 |
REG001 | Lung | Valdes G, Scholey J, Nano T, Gennatas E, Mohindra P, Mohammed N, Zeng J, Kotesha R, Rosen L, Chang J, Tsai H, Urbanic J, Vargas C, Yu N, Ungar L, Eaton E, Simone C Predicting the impact of proton beam therapy technology on pulmonary toxicities for locally advanced lung cancer patients enrolled on the Proton Collaborative Group prospective clinical trial. Ijrobp Red Journal 2023 | Journal Article | 2023 |
REF001 | Prostate | Hasan S, Lazarev S, Garg M, Gozland R, Chang J, Hartsell W, Chen J, Tsai H, Vargas C, Simone C, Gorovets D Proton therapy for high-risk prostate cancer: Results from the Proton Collaborative Group PCG 001-09 prospective registry trial Red Journal 2020 | Journal Article | 2020 |
REG001 | Breast | Thorpe C, Niska J, Anderson J, Girardo M, McGee L, Hartsell W, Larson G, Tsai H, Rossi C, Rosen L, Vargas C Acute toxicities after proton beam therapy following breast-conserving surgery for breast cancer: Multi-institutional prospective PCG registry analysis Acta 2020 | Journal Article | 2020 |
REG001 | Gyn | Mohindra P, Nichols E, Kesslering C, Tsai H, Vargas C, Dyer B, C. Chang J, Urbanic J, Hartsell W, Rosen L Clinical Practice Patterns for Proton Therapy in Gynecological Cancers: Report from a Prospective Multi-Institutional Registry ASTRO 2020 | Conference Poster | 2020 |
REG001 | Esophagus | Hotca A, Sindhu K, Lehrer E, Hartsell W, Vargas C, Tsai H, Chang J, Apisarnthanarax S, Nichols R, Chhabra A, Hasan S, Press R, Lazarev S, Hajj C, Kabarriti R, Rule W, Simone C, Choi I Reirradiation With Proton Therapy for Recurrent Malignancies of the Esophagus and Gastroesophageal Junction: Results of the Proton Collaborative Group Multi-Institutional Prospective Registry Trial ASTRO 2024 | Conference Presentation | 2024 |
REG001 | Breast | Thorpe C, Niska J, Girardo M, Kosiorek H, McGee L, Hartsell W, Larson G, Tsai H, Rossi C, Rosen L, Vargas C Proton beam therapy reirradiation for breast cancer: Multi-institutional prospective PCG registry analysis The Breast Journal 2019 | Journal Article | 2019 |
REG001 | Prostate | Hasan S, Lazarev S, Garg M, Gozland R, Chang J, Hartsell W, Chen J, Tsai H, Vargas C, Simone C, Gorovets D Proton therapy for high-risk prostate cancer: Results from the Proton Collaborative Group PCG 001-09 prospective registry trial The Prostate 2023 | Journal Article | 2023 |
REG001 | Thoracic | Marano J, Kissick M, Underwood T, Laub S, Lis M, Schreuder A, Kreydick B, Pankuch M. Relative Thoracic Changes from Supine to Upright Patient Position: A Proton Collaborative Group Study Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics 2023 | Journal Article | 2023 |
REG001 | Lung | Badiyan S, Rutenberg M, Hoppe B, Mohindra P, Larson G, Hartsell W, Tsai H, Zeng J, Rengan R, Glass E, Katz S, Vargas C, Feigenberg S, Simone C. Clinical Outcomes of Patients with Recurrent Lung Cancer Reirradiated With Proton Therapy on the Proton Collaborative Group and University of Florida Proton Therapy Institute Prospective Registry Studies Astro 2019 | Conference Presentation | 2019 |
REG001 | Esophagus | Parzen J, Chuong M, Chang J, Rosen L, Ubranic J, Hartsell W, Tsai H, Sinesi C, Zeng J, Mishra M, Vargas C, Stevens C, Kabolizadeh P Dosimetry and Acute Toxicity Profile of Patients With Esophageal Cancer Treated With Proton Beam Radiation Therapy: Outcomes From the Proton Collaborative Group REG001-09 Trial Astro 2021 | Conference Presentation | 2021 |
REG001 | Thymus | Mercado C, Hartsell W, Simone C, Tsai H, Vargas C, Zhu H, Zeng J, Larson G, Hoppe B Proton Therapy For Thymic Malignancies: Multi-Institutional Patterns-Of-Care and Early Clinical Outcomes from the Proton Collaborative Group and the University of Florida Prospective Registries Atca Oncologica 2019 | Journal Article | 2019 |
REG001 | Oropharynx | Mumaw D, Hazy A, Vayntraub A, Quinn T, Salari K, Chang J, Kalman N, Katz S, Ubranic J, Press R, Thukral A, Tsai H, Laramore G, Molitoris J, Vargas C, Patel S, Stevens C, Deraniyagala R Low Contralateral Failure Rate With Unilateral Proton Beam Radiotherapy for Oropharyngeal squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Multi-Institutional Prospective Study from the Proton Collaborative Group Radiotherapy and Oncology 2023 | Journal Article | 2023 |
REG001 | Head & Neck | Yu N, Gamez M, Hartsell W, Tsai H, Laramore G, Larson G, Simone C, Rossi C, Katz S, Buras M, Golafshar M, Vargas C, Patel S A Multi-Institutional Experience of Proton Beam Therapy for Sinonasal Tumors Astro 2019 | Conference Presentation | 2019 |
GU003 | Prostate | Laughlin B, Thorpe C, DeWees T, Voss M, Chang J, Hartsell W, Sinesi C, Rwigema J, Keole S, Gondi V, Vargas C Initial Quality of Life and Toxicity Analysis of a Randomized Phase 3 Study of Moderately Hypofractionated Radiation Therapy With or Without Androgen Suppression for Intermediate-Risk Adenocarcinoma of the Prostate: PCG GU003 Astro 2022 | Conference Presentation | 2022 |
REG001 | Prostate | Campbell L, Laub S, Smith J, Hartsell W Evaluation of The Utility of Rescans in The Treatment of Prostate and Pelvic Nodes with Pencil Beam Scanning Protons Medical Dosimetry 2023 | Journal Article | 2023 |
REG001 | Head & Neck | Hartsell W, Kapur R, Hartsell S O, Sweeney P, Lopes C, Duggal A, Cohen J, Chang J, Polasani R, Dunn M, Pankuch M Feasibility of Proton Beam Therapy for Ocular Melanoma Using a Novel 3D Treatment Planning Technique Red Journal 2016 | Journal Article | 2016 |
REG001 | Prostate | Vargas C, Schmidt M, Niska J, Hartsell W, Keole S, Doh Lucius, Chang J, Sinesi C, Rodriquez R, Pankuch M, Larson G Initial Toxicity, Quality-of-Life Outcomes, and Dosimetric Impact in a Randomized Phase 3 Trial of Hypofractionated Versus Standard Fractionated Proton Therapy for Low-Risk Prostate Cancer Astro 2018 | Conference Presentation | 2018 |
REG001 | Lymphoma | Ebadi M, Pankuch M, Chang J, Hartsell W, Stevens C, Hall M, Hasan S, Bates J, Flampouri S, Kole A, Mohindra P, Rossi C, Sanghvi P, McGee L, Rana Z, Tseng Y Proton Pencil Beam Scanning Facilitates Safe Treatment of Extended Radiation Targets for Hodgkin Lymphoma: A Report from the Proton Collaborative Group Registry Astro 2024 | Journal Article | 2024 |
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